Black Bullet : Anime Review

Episodes : 13

Genre : Action, Sci-fi, Mystery, Seinen

Plot : In the year 2021, a parasitic virus known as "Gastrea" infects humans and turns them into monsters. What is left of mankind now lives within the Monolith walls, walls that are made of Varanium, the only material that can hurt Gastrea.

To counter the threat that the Gastrea pose, "Cursed Children"—female children whose bodies contain trace amounts of the virus which grant them superhuman abilities—officially called Initiators by the Tendo Civil Security, are given partners called Promoters, people who work to guide and protect the young Initiators. These teams of two are sent out on missions to fight the monsters created by the Gastrea virus and keep them at bay.

Black Bullet revolves around the team of Enju Aihara, an Initiator, and Satomi Rentaro, a Promoter, as they go on missions to fight the growing threat of Gastrea in their hometown of Tokyo.

Our Opinion : If you read the plot of the anime, you will realise that the concept is pretty similar to Attack on Titan but the story is far different.  All those who are expecting this anime to be like Attack on Titan will be utterly disappointed.

Let’s talk about the positive stuff :
  1. I feel the plot was exceptional. Although, not very well executed but the thought of initial storyline was pretty good.
  2. The characters (especially girls) are really good since each one adds a different flavor.
  3. The ending of the anime was pretty spot on as you need a big boost in the end to create some hype.
  4. The villain (Kagetane Hiruko) of the anime was quite intriguing.
  5. Comic stuff was right on time and hence, it was really funny!

Now, going into the worst parts :
  1. I personally feel it could have been a great anime if proper pacing and timing was given to each sequence.
  2. Very mediocre animation and sounds.
  3. A proper brief about the world should have been shown rather than just stating it in the first episode.
  4. Character development sucks pretty badly!!!

Final Verdict :  Overall it is not a very bad anime but it is also not that good. While watching, I was not bored. So the anime keeps adding some entertaining stuff in between. The anime takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, hence anyone can give a shot at it!!!


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